- 量子播放资源
- 女人们2021剧情
Misaki lives in a rural town situated among lush, green mountains beneath a clear blue sky. Despite graduating from a university in Tokyo, she was unable to find the job she hoped for due to the lack of employment opportunities that befell her generation. Just about everything has gone badly for her and now she is on the verge of turning 40. However, she has dreams of marrying her aging, handicapped mother Mitsuko's care worker, Naoki, who pays visits to their home. Her clandestine meetings with Naoki are one of Misaki's oases from Mitsuko's harsh day-to-day verbal abuse. The other is the bee farm run by her childhood friend Kaori. The honey Kaori diligently works to make is sweet, mild, and soothing. But then Misaki is cruelly betrayed by Naoki. And Kaori abruptly dies. These events drive Misaki's heart to the brink of bursting. "Why did she have to die? "
- 女人们2021评论
- 女人们2021相关视频
- 更新第06集
- 更新第08集
铃木京香 , 黑岛结菜 , 高桥玛莉润 , 小关裕太 , 前野朋哉 , 石冢英彦 , 杉本哲太 , 高畑淳子 , 利重刚 , 松井玲奈 , 夙川与务
- 更新至05集
- HD
- 更新第07集
仓科加奈 , 三浦翔平 , 大谷亮平 , 水野美纪
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广末凉子 , 内田有纪 , 吉田羊 , 宫川一朗太 , 犬飼貴丈 , 高畑淳子 , 佐藤隆太
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上白石萌音 , 菜菜绪 , 玉森裕太 , 间宫祥太朗 , 中山裕介 , 太田梦莉 , 久保田纱友 , 仓科加奈 , 高桥瞳
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堺雅人 , 苍井优 , 吉濑美智子 , 内田有纪 , 高梨临 , 高桥一生 , 真飞圣 , 中西美帆 , 余贵美子 , 远藤宪一 , 酒井若菜 , 长塚圭史 , 松重丰 , 石桥莲司 , 高畑淳子 , 小日向文世
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武井咲 , 江口洋介 , 仲里依纱 , 泷藤贤一 , 和田正人 , 内藤理沙 , 高岛政伸 , 真矢美纪 , 高畑淳子 , 奥田瑛二 , 伊东四朗
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东山纪之 , 田边诚一 , 仓科加奈 , 白洲迅 , 塚本高史 , 吉田钢太郎 , 北大路欣也 , 小泷望